

Even geduld...

MEN-01 The Power of Evaluation. Assessment and feedback in the mixed-ability classroom

  • To examine the limitations of traditional assessment
  • To look at alternative forms of assessment and consider ways of providing constructive feedback

Leerkrachten Engels ASO/TSO/KSO/BSO (1ste, 2de en 3de graad)

Aanbieder: DPB-OND Mechelen-Brussel

In this talk we will analyze forms of traditional assessment and their effect on student-behaviour and performance. There will also be a chance to consider the benefits of continuous assessment, self-assessment and portfolio assessment. The emphasis will be on providing practical ideas for assessing students in a way that supports learning, as well as looking into the significance of providing supportive and constructive feedback.

Strategie en methode:

Interactive talk

Bijkomende info:

Erika Osvath, MEd in Maths, DTEFLA, is a freelance teacher, teacher trainer, materials writer and co-author of the European Language Award-winning 6-week eLearning programme for language exam preparation. Before becoming a freelance trainer in 2009, she worked for International House schools for 16 years in Eastern and Central Europe, where she worked as a YL co-ordinator, trainer on CELTA, LCCI,1-1, Business English, YL and VYL courses, and Director of Studies. She has extensive experience in teaching very young learners, young learners and teenagers. Her main interests lie in these areas as well as making the best of technology in ELT. She regularly travels to different parts of Hungary and other parts of the world to teach demonstration lessons with local children, do workshops for teachers, and this is something she particularly enjoys doing as it gives her the opportunity to delve into the human aspects of these experiences. Erika is co-author with Edmund Dudley of Teaching Mixed Ability (Into the Classroom series).

Sessies: 1 sessie(s)
Voor dit initiatief kan je tot en met woensdag 11 oktober 2017 in- en uitschrijven.
Bijdrage: 20,00 Euro
Lesgever: Van Dongen Mark
Contact: Pedagogische begeleiding Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen
secretariaat: +32 15 29 84 01 - nascholing.mb@katholiekonderwijs.vlaanderen
Plaats en Data:
PB Regio Mechelen-Brussel (Inschrijven afgesloten)
Frederik de Merodestraat 18
2800 Mechelen (Kaart)
  • Reeks 1: (Voorbij)
    • woensdag 18 oktober 2017 van 13:30 tot 16:30
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