13:30-16:00 uur
- input door vakbegeleider: nieuws uit VSKO, Coördinatiecommissie Moderne Vreemde Talen, leerplancommissie, ... - brainstormen over en ontwikkelen van evaluatieroosters voor schrijfvaardigheid
16:00-17:15 uur
Korte mondelinge presentatie van lesmateriaal door uitgeverijen (ong. 10 minuten per uitgeverij):
Cambridge University Press Captivating NEW English course for young teenagers from Cambridge University Press… Developed in partnership with Discovery Education™, Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education™ video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. Spark your students' interest as they explore the cultures and people of the world around them. Stimulating topics are sure to motivate your students as they embark on their English journey.
We will show how this new course from Cambridge is suitable for TSO.
All participants will receive a FREE specimen copy.
Cengage In our presentation, we will briefly show you why our best seller Life and/or our newest edition of Outcomes would suit your learners best. The second edition of Outcomes has been fully revised and updated to provide contemporary, global content and stunning National Geographic photos and videos. Its trademark lexically-rich approach shows students how vocabulary works, and the evenly-paced grammar syllabus provides examples and tasks based on what people actually say and write. With a huge variety of talking points and practice, Outcomes teaches students the English they need to communicate outside the classroom. Real situations, real language, real Outcomes! Of course you will also receive free sample copies. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Pearson Discover Choices and our brand new course Live Beat, both based on the communicative approach to language teaching and filled with tasks that encourage students to take control over their knowledge and skills development. Realistic communicative activities help students to start using their English immediately.
Discover MyEnglishLab, an online learning platform that provides interactive activities and powerful online tools that help to motivate students. Students are given tips, automatic feedback and instant grades, allowing them to study at their own pace and keep track of their performance.
Die Keure Shuffle (ASO) en Shuffle This (TSO) zijn 2 nieuwe, duidelijk gestructureerde methodes. Beide werden door een onderlegd en enthousiast team vanaf 0 geschreven. Hierdoor zijn beide reeksen onmiskenbaar fris, modern en up-to-date!
Oefeningen op verschillende niveaus, taaltaken, geïntegreerde vaardigheden, massa's authentiek materiaal en een uitgebreide digitale ondersteuning voor leerling en leerkracht zijn enkele van vele krachtige eigenschappen waarmee we u graag laten kennismaken.
Van In ON TRACK, de nieuwe reeks Engels voor A-stroom en ASO, zet resoluut een nieuwe koers in: Actieve taallessen, originele taaltaken en haalbare differentiatie. Het nieuwe online leerplatform diddit krijgt u er als bonus bovenop.
Plantyn We brengen wat inkijkmateriaal voor New Contact mee en doen een korte mondelinge voorstelling van de digitale omkadering van New Contact.
Pelckmans Korte voorstelling van de Pelckmans materialen.